Starting your own BLOG
In the virtual world of worldwide web, blogs are everywhere. You may have opened it with intention or not-- when you are searching for something and it such happen that there is a blog that discusses that concept. While reading this, you are already intentionally reading a kind of blog. :) Because of this, many blog sites came out. Some are user-friendly, some are not (only IT experts could create). Examples of blog sites are: Wordpress, Blogger, Ghost, Tumblr, Weebly, Medium, Wix, Squarespace, Penzu, etc. In this blog, you will use Blogger as a starting point in creating your first blog. What you need: 1. Gmail Account 2. Computer 3. Internet Step 1. Click Ctrl then click . Step 2. Click sign-in and then log-in you Gmail account with your e-mail address and password. Step 3. For your first blog's template: >type the title of the blog on ...